Vote for Mike Sage, Glenn Jackson, and Tim Talbot for Lancaster Central School District Board of Education on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.

Mike Sage

Glenn Jackson

Tim Talbot

What We Believe In

Charting a path to success for all students.

Our candidates support a district that embraces and values every student, regardless of belief or background. As active parents within the district, we believe that promoting diverse ideas through education and extracurricular activities is vital for creating a positive, engaging learning environment. Our students can grow and learn through these differences, opening them up to unique and innovative experiences that serve them long after graduation.

Who We Support

Placing trust in our educators and faculty.

Mike, Glenn, and Tim have complete faith in the skill our educators instill in their curriculums and the passion our students bring to their education. If elected, we will be proud to help provide faculty and students with the best possible tools to succeed in and beyond the classroom. That involves supporting the measures that matter most to teacher, students, and their families through transparent budgeting and a strong, long-term financial foundation for the district to excel.

What We’ve Accomplished

Investing in our community responsibly and effectively.

Two of our candidates, Mike and Glenn, have previously served on the district’s Board of Education and are looking forward to working with Tim to build an even brighter future.

So far during their tenure, the pair have helped facilitate exciting new opportunities and secured funds for capital improvements, all while maintaining strong fiscal responsibility. These opportunities include the formation of new award-winning programs, new sports teams and clubs, and career-driven academic initiatives. With your support, we’ll be able to continue making Lancaster one of Western New York’s destination school districts.

Expanded sports and club offerings to help students find something they love.

Acclaimed K-12 music education program. Awarded one of the top 100 communities in America for music education 7 years in a row.

Expanded Pre-K program from half day to full day.

Increased security by adding two School Resource officers through the Lancaster Police Department, as well as security enhancements to limit access to schools and reconfiguring buildings to funnel guests to the main office.

Lowest spending per pupil out of 76 districts in Western New York with $147 million in capital facility and program improvements over the past 10 years.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 – 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
Lancaster High School Java Gym

We greatly appreciate your support and hope to get back to work soon!

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